Axila 1.09 13/JAN/05 MP PR 228411 use of new gdsdll 2.0 function to get actual mouse state. /+prop page restored for debug./volcomp removed ! + double beep when end button long enough pressed for DEL function 1.12b 07/MAR/05 MP bug fixed in non auto detection Backtalk.dll 2.44 12/18/03 GG Changed to establish communications even if volcomp fails 2.43 12/15/03 GG Fix Autotrigger crash (PR #221011) Bright.dll 1.28 11/10/04 ZH Bulletproofed PH9 routine to handle PHC9 XON/XOFF state and to not set manual mode if no PHD9 in order not to cause error status to be returned. PR#227846 1.27 11/09/04 ZH Fixed problem with ERR # 519 which is really ERR #499 which is a recoverable error. 1.26 10/28/04 ZH PR# 227845. Findhole caused an error instead of continuing 1.25 11/21/03 ZH Check for DCC mode now relies on actual status returned from controller dea.dll 4.353 10/29/04 PB PR#227052 UseVolcomp set to an invalid number does not generate a warning. 4.352 09/27/04 PB PR#227332 During a toolchange the speed can't be changed on the TU04 4.351 09/22/04 PB PR#227068 Software must be restarted 2 times before you can start the motors 4.350 08/27/04 PB PR#226494 Disengage drive 4.349 05/28/04 PB PR#224214 The PH10 is resetting its position at the beginning of each block execution (CRTL-U) 4.348 05/27/04 PB PR#224690 The dockingspeed of the toolchange procedure must be fix 4.347 04/02/04 PB PR#218573 4.346 02/27/04 PB PR#222610 : Admin rights 4.345 02/24/04 PB PR#222390 : Rotary Table some time don't execute the rotation 4.344 02/12/04 PB 4.343 11/19/03 PB PR#219651 : added an option to remove the message "move PH9 to A=0 B=0" while changing a probe file with a dea head Europac.dll 1.0 20/DEC/03 KRS Initial version (aka 0.17). Garda.dll 1.14 GG 02/16/03 Fix Autotrigger crash (PR #222200) johansson.dll 1.107 24/MAY/05 MP Anders recommends avoiding HARD reset. So all reset send will just be soft ones 1.106 23/MAY/05 MP PR232281 blocking MANMES/RESET when commands are still executed 1.105 12/APR/05 MP checking for PR230553 (no prob noticed) but fixed WaitEnd blocking MANMES when switching to manual after head movement 1.104 12/JAN/05 MP check for PR229496 - send probe pin data executed on each DCC move/meas command ! 1.103 21/Nov/04 MP PR#228851 + not depending anymore on APC results query (Anders, CEJ SE) + added ForceAPCPresence in registry. 1.102 04/Jun/04 MP MANMES sent correctly when switching from DCC mode (Andreas, CEJ DE) + NoResetOnManStop registry to avoid numerous resets 1.101 29/APR/04 MP Goto manual ignored in change tool + sending of manmes changed a bit check of coord system before a measure PR # 223740. 1.100 06/APR/04 MP Volcomp support added as per # 223278. 1.090 29/Feb/04 MP Made sure MANMES is sent after a hit, since setting to jog won't fo it now #222480. 1.089 06/Feb/04 MP RESET SOFT on Error necessary for Find Hole option #221891 1.088 27/Jan/04 MP APC answer allows or not the send of CHANGE1 / CHANGE0 + No multiple enable joystick message #221668 1.087a 15/Jan/04 MP Prehit and Retract now converted from inches ! #221567 1.086 30/Nov/03 MP moved most RESET SOFT into WriteCommIfNotBusy + #219220 SNSDONE has always Callback, possibly NULL 1.085 25/Nov/03 MP wait for QuitWaitTime (from registry) ms after bQuitSent confirms that PROTO got the QUIT cmd. leitz.dll 3.61 09/23/04 PB PR#227052 3.60 08/06/04 PB PR#225448 B4/MTK4 ISSUES 3.59 08/02/04 PB PR#225448 B4/MTK4 ISSUES 3.58 05/26/04 PB PR#224913 3.57 05/11/04 PB PHS Wrist Battery Check 3.56 04/23/04 PB PR#224154 3.55 03/10/04 PB PR#223050 : On sharpe32z controller + Common Firmware the Fly does not work even if the controller says that it is available 3.54 03/09/04 PB PR#222967 3.53 01/07/04 PB PR#221407 : In the SendNext function, some commands was not sent through the TCP/IP but only through serial line 3.52 12/29/03 PB PR#221167 : In the POS answer, when we send a call_back,the SendNext must be called with 0 and not PROMPT 3.51 12/18/03 PB PR#221179 : PHS Homing problem 3.50 13/15/03 PB Emergency error occurred before Homing are not cleared in the display area until resetted 3.49 12/15/03 PB PR#220956 : Axis scan crashes into the part 3.48 11/24/03 PB PR#220451 : wrong data path on basic scan circle (Wetzlar's cmm) 3.47 11/17/03 PB Added handling command "SHOW PRBSEATD" for COM-CTL V >= 21 3.46 11/10/03 PB PR#220004, when no points were taken during hss scan, store_point was not called. lkrs232.dll 2.21 3/03/04 KRS Fixed a bug in 2.20 that caused probably most LKs not to successfully intialize. 2.20 11/10/03 TCW Added support for LK2000 Twin Drive metrocom.dll 1.81 25/JUN/04 MP disable probe at probe changing ... HasProbeChanger setting must be TRUE! (PR 225081) 1.80 26/MAR/04 MP added possibility to send moves 1 by 1 (PR 222984 ) added possibility to ignore PH9 move rqst when already in pos (PR 222986) 1.79 24/MAR/04 MP Nulled active_call_back on Driver_stopProbe (PR 222773) Scan can recover on probe missed part uncommented, works. (PR 222982) 1.78 --- sync for unique source with V3.6 --- 1.77 12/02/03 ZH PH9 store_point was getting messed up due to DRIVER_MEASURE/DRIVER_MOVE using active_call_back and clearing it to NULL PR# 220737 Metrolog.dll 1.13 01/22/04 DS Fixed Unicode char problems occurring on debug statements only. 1.129 12/10/03 BW Fixed bug with the direct (non Mtdial) interface in the case of a manual machine without a ph9. Remove request to read the ph9 angles if there isn't a ph9. This was causing a problem as the request was never answered by the Metrolog controller. Mititoyo 1.57 11/16/04 ZH Introduced support for Absolute Speeds (PR# 228741) 1.56 10/19/04 ZH Do inch/metric conversion in circular moves (PR# 227866) 1.55 6/05/04 MP Added optional fast return on moving PH9 PR224542 1.54 3/04/04 KRS Fixed unchanging-readouts bug I introduced in 1.53. 1.53 2/23/04 KRS Fixed failure-to-communicate bug, by fixing bug in MyVbcmd(). That exposed problem of CPU at 99%, caused by too much debug logging, which I removed, in ibrd() and ibwrt(). Fixed PRs 220701, 220966 by disabling one line in driver_stop_probe(). 1.52 2/12/04 KRS Added simulation-of-machine capability, which is turned on with Simulate INI variable. Removed excessive Kill/Sets of main loop timer. Checked a string length before indexing the string to fix a crash. Removed an infinite recursion crash in debug logging. 1.51 1/08/04 KRS Corrections to below. 1.50 1/08/04 KRS Added Switches and debug log info, and made delays changeable, to find find-hole problem. 1.49 12/01/03 KRS Changed PAUSE in driver_move_ph9() to TEMPPAUSE, disablable, to attempt to fix find-hole problem. 1.48 11/26/03 KRS Added to my_show_error() to attempt to fix find-hole problem. 1.47 11/19/03 KRS Fixed an rs232 ph9 bug for PR 220425 1.46 11/19/03 KRS Introduced Delay3, Delay4 settings to try to fix find-hole problem. 1.45 11/10/03 KRS Two changes to help look for stopping problem during find-hole Mora.dll 1.26 12/OCT/04 MP Mora ANC39 firmw bug with move and PH9 rotation: if current pos = command pos, no move => no EM PR225332 (btw, only SOME firmware versions have the bug !!!) 1.25 28/JUN/04 MP introducing the VerifyPH9 setting for PR225332 1.24 06/MAY/04 MP changed 325 flag to anc39 , + canceled mod for opening serial line in anc39 mode. Numerex.dll 1.43 11/16/04 ZH Added support for Tech80 PCI card omnitech.dll No code changes. The shipping omnitech.dll was not built correctly for MR2 proftech.dll 1.02 06/03/05 PH Update hit response parsing 1.01 08/16/04 PH Update registry defaults, avoid redundant include, add switch for V40 string resources reflex.dll 1.13 03/04/04 GG Fix vector calculation to use last_pos instead of last_point sharpe.dll 2.127 01/22/04 ZH Fixed problem with PH9 rotation caused by last fix 2.126 11/17/03 ZH PR# 216247. Disable probe in manual mode to calibrate ACR3 sheffield.dll 2.24 GG 12/10/04 Fixed JOY button on the RCU from turning off after pressing RTS or DRIVE 2.23 GG 11/12/04 Finished SP25 and SP600 scanning 2.22 GG 11/11/04 Removed re-init for when machine stops communicating - not needed. 2.21 GG 11/04/04 Rotating the vector coming back from the controller 2.20 GG 11/02/04 Added a call to the get the last vector from the controller for manual hits Fixed when the "Connection Failed" message appears Removed unchecked PH9 rotation 2.19 GG 11/01/04 Fixed NewCancel Method Touch speeds now determine if absolute or percent 2.18 GG 10/26/04 Added BHAR to the ignore list, causing incorrect store points - PR#228093 2.17 GG 10/25/04 Changed the delay to 1 sec when canceling command PR#228050 2.16 GG 10/14/04 Changed Volcomp to use "CompensateFromCMM" when getting data from controller, was "CompensateToCMM" Added setting, UseNewCancel, to stop using the reinit function to cancel manual touches 2.15 GG 09/21/04 BHRV -1 command causes an error if controller is MP35, not sending if MP35 any more 2.14 GG 09/07/04 Removed the send_init_commands used for cancelling the manual touches. This was causing err 13. 2.13 GG 08/18/04 Fixed bug in Part alignment Modified how the mechanical offset was getting calculated 2.12 GG 08/18/04 Rotate PH9 to default A,B before homing 2.11 ZH 08/10/04 PR# 226179. TipOffset (which was stored in metric) was being converted as if stored in inches 2.09 GG 06/09/04 Checking MP and RCU versions to determine if we can use the RCU buttons 2.08 GG 06/08/04 Switched the RCU button functions. Now, DRIVE button inserts move point and RETURN TO SCREEN button ends the feature. 2.07 GG 05/25/04 Start implementing circular moves 2.06 GG 05/20/04 Added warning message if cannot start communications PR#224342 2.05 GG 05/19/04 Fixed axis reassignments PR#224385 Using GETOPTION(ABSOLUTESPEEDS) to determine if speed is percentage or not 2.04 GG 05/14/04 Sending probe offsets to controller now an option in Settings Editor 2.03 GG 05/10/04 Added mechanical offset to tip offsets being sent to controller 2.02 GG 04/30/04 Updating temperatures in TempComp setup dialog with the last read temperatures Now using global_top_speed instead of maxvel PR#224414 2.01 GG 04/20/04 Now enabling TempComp in the controller 2.00 GG 04/15/04 Now sending probe offsets to controller - define_probe_offsets() 1.99 GG 04/13/04 Now sending parameters(speed, prehit, etc.) to controller after each init 1.98 GG 03/30/04 driver_stop_probe does in fact need the send_init_commands call to clear current command in controller 1.97 GG 03/22/04 Changed a few default ini settings 1.96 GG 03/18/04 No longer call send_init_commands in driver_stop_probe 1.95 GG 03/17/04 Fixed problem where interface does not zero correctly after homing 1.94 GG 03/11/04 Added support for 2 buttons on RCU Continued support for PCS Re-structured initialization sequence 1.93 GG 03/03/04 Modified error handling routine - caused servos to trip 1.92 GG 02/26/04 Use ToolChangerDelay for sleep time during tool changes- PR# 222689 1.91 GG 02/19/04 Made a change to send speed with every move - PR# 222176 1.90 GG 02/09/04 Made a change to ignore positions reported in inches by the controller. PR# 221549. 1.89 GG 01/13/04 Changed error handling to send a full initilization instead of partial initilization 1.87 GG 11/11/03 Added small wait between slow moves to fix the toolchanger issue where the ph9 hits unloaded probe on way out. 1.86 GG 11/11/03 Started setting the clearance (prehit on controller) to 0, The interface moves to a prehit point automatically.(PR# 218850) TECH80.dll 4.39 01/31/05 GG Changed LoadLibraryEx to LoadLibrary (PR #228861) 4.38 11/07/03 GG Fix position update so it doesn't crash PC-DMIS (PR #220102) wenzel.dll 1.39 01/05/04 ZH PR# - 221332 Modified the change in 1.34 to only ignore soft limit error if in Jog mode. 1.38 12/30/03 ZH PR# - 221318. Similiar to previous fix. Added change to one more place 1.37 12/22/03 ZH PR# - 221266 / 220888. Allow Error to clear before checking for controller status. 1.36 12/19/03 ZH PR# - 221217. Displays error msg and terminates if can't open either CMM or PH9 port. 1.35 12/15/03 ZH Added waitBeforeMeasure option. PR# 220888 1.34 12/08/03 ZH Ignore soft limit errors. PR# 220885 zssgpib.dll 1.996a 06/10/05 MP GPIB PR231808 : probing force is set if AnalogHead is enabled in the Settings 1.996 12/02/04 MP Removed the expectation of answer for ANY D01 /D02 +speed sent on all axis (lockup in RS232) 1.995b 10/26/04 MP Merge my 994b with ZH 944 and 995 1.995 10/18/04 ZH Bulletproofed PH9 routine to handle PHC9 XON/XOFF state and to not set manual mode if no PHD9 in order not to cause error status to be returned. 1.994b 10/15/04 MP mods to accommodate VW Autoeuropa C88/UDP/DSE SMM arm + fix for memory stomping 1.994 10/14/04 ZH Removed WaitingForResponse flag with RS232 - PR 226801 Moved in a few unicode/.NET changes from 4.0 1.993 09/20/04 MP Added request for long status in WaitTCStatus, case UDPCMM 1.992 08/10/04 ZH Changed jog Speed for 'UseOldMotionCmd' to multiply by 100 1.991 04/19/04 ZH Added 00081 and 00083 to hit status 1.99 03/30/04 ZH Fixed WaitMove: for UDP/TCP to use correct status string During 'WaitRDSMoveDone:' only request status2 to avoid confusing the two responses Added a few more vector to the UDPIsHit check Only change to manual mode after WaitEnd: if we have no more DCC commands 1.98 03/16/04 ZH Now returns actual angles from controller instead of commanded angle for RDS Added BeepPause registry entry to allow beep on hit if requested Use 00067 as hit if not in DCC (in dcc this is an unexpected hit) Default WaitEnd interval is now a registry entry Flag that we are waiting for long status (1 & 2) now is only set FALSE after we recieve the status and not when we request the other status Speed commands are sent down w/o multipying by 60 in all cases Don't send a request for long status 2 if we are still waiting for a reply to long status 1 Added WaitForString to detect SYS/M with UDP Only send acceleration if it is non zero UDP was missing the statement for the moveAfterHome command to be sent to controller Fixed situation where move speed was being sent down for a measure right before the measure speed Removed code that considered no movement to be an 'Missed Part' error Added short status 67 to be considered a hit in manual mode 1.97 02/19/04 ZH Added rotary table support. Added additional check for RDS rotation complete when no probe is attached. Added new 'DebugFlush' Option which determines if we flush the debug buffers after wach write (this could be very slow) Moved UDP communications into interface level. This is still not working properly. 1.96 02/17/04 ZH Added UsePositionForVector option for GPIB when we don't get a vaalid vector on a hit from the controller 1.95 02/12/04 ZH Added manual retract command PR# 221894 1.94 02/11/04 ZH TCP/UDP fixed bug where long status2 was being assigned to long status1 now we only request LongStatus2 when we need it which is for the RDS rotation - PR#221892 Fixed bug where hit would not be registered. We now throw away 'int' instead of acknowledging it as a response PR#221892 Fixed circular moves to convert from inches 1.93 12/12/03 ZH Fixed problem with GPIB that two commands sent too close caused an error if the first had no response. Added GpibDelay to all writes 1.92 12/10/03 ZH Fixed conversion problem with previous ph9 enhancement Fixed bug that prevented cmm going into manual mode after dcc Fixed bug that caused double hits Fixed bug that resulted in bad vectors for manual hits 1.91 12/01/03 ZH Use the controller to rotate the PH9. Added INI option UseCmmForPH9 1.90 11/20/03 MP loading UDP_HostAddress with own PC address if field empty +emptied host addr and port in registry table. Default port set to 4714 when empty. 1.89 11/19/03 MP Fixed problem with creating a UDP connection zssVast.dll 0.88 02/12/04 ZH Added manual retract command PR# 221894 0.87 02/11/04 ZH Changed homing to check for specific status instead of just a response since some machines send a hit after each axis switch is passed PR#221892 Improved checking for servos off during init Fixed circular moves to convert from inches 0.86 12/10/03 ZH Fixed bug where hits wouldn't register after homing Fixed problem where removing multiple hits with jogbox would stop communication. PR# 220320 Added support for PH9 manipulted by controller. ############################################################################ Interfaces that have been tested with V3.5 MR2 ############################################################################ Faro Faro Tracker Geodetic Krypton (GOM) Romer Metrolog Metronor Mititoyo Bright Mititoyo GPIB Mora Johansson Leitz Polar Reflex Renishaw Sheffield Sharpe Wenzel Zeiss GPIB Zeiss Vast (w/ RDS and PH9)